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Unlocking Creativity: How to Prevent Musician’s Block for Recording Artists

Musician’s block, also known as creative block, can be a frustrating and disheartening experience for recording artists. It’s that dreaded feeling when inspiration seems to be elusive, and you find yourself staring at a blank canvas, unable to create new melodies or lyrics. However, there are strategies you can employ to overcome this hurdle and reignite your creativity. In this article, we will explore effective techniques that recording artists can use to prevent musician’s block and keep their creative juices flowing.

Explore Different Genres and Styles:

One effective way to combat musician’s block is to step outside of your comfort zone and explore different genres and styles of music. Experimenting with new sounds and rhythms can spark fresh ideas and inspire creative breakthroughs. Embrace diverse musical influences and challenge yourself to incorporate elements from various genres into your own compositions.

Collaborate with Other Artists:

Collaboration with fellow musicians can breathe new life into your creative process. Engage in songwriting sessions or collaborative projects where you can bounce ideas off one another and draw inspiration from different perspectives. Working with others can provide valuable feedback, push you out of your creative rut, and generate exciting new possibilities.

Create a Structured Routine:

Establishing a structured routine can help train your mind to be more receptive to creativity. Set aside dedicated time for music creation, whether it’s daily, a few times a week, or during your most inspired hours. Stick to this routine, even when you don’t feel particularly inspired. By consistently engaging with your craft, you create a habit of creativity that can help overcome musician’s block.

Seek Inspiration Outside of Music:

Sometimes, finding inspiration requires looking beyond the realm of music. Engage in activities that stimulate your mind and ignite your imagination. Explore art galleries, read books, watch movies, travel, or spend time in nature. These experiences can infuse fresh ideas and emotions into your music, helping you break free from creative stagnation.

Embrace Improvisation:

Improvisation is a powerful tool for unlocking creativity. Set aside time to freely explore your instrument without any expectations or limitations. Allow yourself to play intuitively and let your ideas flow naturally. Improvisation exercises can lead to unexpected musical discoveries and inspire new directions for your compositions.

Take Breaks and Rest:

Sometimes, musician’s block is a sign of mental and physical fatigue. Pushing yourself too hard without breaks can lead to burnout and creative stagnation. Give yourself permission to take regular breaks and rest. Engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as meditation, exercise, or spending time with loved ones. Returning to your music with a refreshed mind can often unlock hidden inspiration.

Set Goals and Challenges:

Setting specific goals and challenges can provide a sense of direction and motivation. Break down larger projects into smaller, achievable milestones. For instance, aim to write a certain number of songs within a specific timeframe or challenge yourself to experiment with a new instrument or technique. These goals and challenges can reignite your passion and drive, pushing you past any creative blockades.

Embrace Technology and Music Production Tools:

Modern technology offers a plethora of music production tools that can spark creativity. Experiment with new software, plugins, or digital instruments that can inspire fresh sounds and arrangements. These tools can often provide a new perspective and serve as catalysts for creativity.

Maintain a Creative Journal:

Keep a journal dedicated to capturing your creative ideas, lyrics, melodies, and inspirations. Use it as a repository for all your musical thoughts, no matter how small or incomplete they may seem. Referencing your creative journal when facing musician’s block can help reignite past ideas or provide inspiration for new ones.

Seek Feedback and Support:

Reach out to fellow musicians, mentors, or trusted friends to seek feedback on your work. Honest feedback can provide valuable insights and perspectives that can break through creative blocks. Surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages and motivates you to keep pushing your artistic boundaries.


Musician’s block is a common challenge for recording artists, but it doesn’t have to hinder your creativity indefinitely. By exploring different genres, collaborating with others, establishing a routine, seeking inspiration beyond music, and embracing improvisation, you can break free from creative stagnation. Taking breaks, setting goals, and utilising technology can also stimulate your creative flow. Remember, creativity is a journey, and by implementing these strategies, you can keep the music flowing and prevent musician’s block from hindering your artistic growth.

Start your musical journey today and join our diverse Ten87 community.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Top 10 Tips for Recording Your First Single at Ten87 Studio

Top 10 Tips for Recording Your First Single at Ten87 Studio

Recording your first single is an exhilarating experience that marks a significant milestone in your music career. The quality of your recording can make or break the success of your release, which is why it’s essential to approach the process with careful planning and preparation. As an aspiring artist, partnering with a professional recording studio like Ten87 can help you achieve the best possible results. To help you navigate the recording process successfully, here are ten crucial tips to consider when recording your first single at Ten87 Studio.

  1. Plan and Prepare:

Before heading into the studio, take the time to plan your recording session. Define your goals, choose the right song, and determine the desired style and sound. Practice extensively, ensuring that you and your bandmates are well-rehearsed and ready to give your best performance.

  1. Choose the Right Studio:

Selecting the right studio is vital for the success of your recording. Ten87 Studio offers state-of-the-art equipment, experienced engineers, and a comfortable environment that encourages creativity. Their expertise and professional guidance will help you bring your vision to life.

  1. Pre-production:

Consider engaging in pre-production before entering the studio. This involves refining your song arrangements, mapping out instrumentations, and making any necessary changes. This step will save valuable time during the recording process and allow you to focus on capturing the best performance.

  1. Capture Authenticity:

Authenticity is key to connecting with your audience. While it’s essential to strive for technical excellence, don’t lose sight of the emotion and passion behind your music. Ten87 Studio’s experienced engineers can guide you in capturing the essence of your performance while maintaining a high level of production quality.

  1. Microphone Placement:

Proper microphone placement can significantly impact the quality of your recording. Work closely with the engineers at Ten87 Studio to experiment with different microphone positions to find the perfect sound for each instrument and vocal track.

  1. Experiment with Sound:

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different sounds and effects during the recording process. Ten87 Studio offers a wide range of high-quality equipment and plugins to help you achieve the desired sonic palette. Collaborate with the engineers to explore various textures and tones that complement your music.

  1. Take Breaks:

Recording sessions can be intense and mentally draining. Take regular breaks to rest, recharge, and maintain focus. This will ensure that you stay energised and perform at your best throughout the entire process.

  1. Pay Attention to Detail:

Recording your first single is a meticulous process that requires attention to detail. Be patient and take the time to address any imperfections or inconsistencies. The engineers at Ten87 Studio have a keen ear and will assist you in achieving a polished and professional sound.

  1. Communicate Openly:

Clear communication with the studio engineers is essential to achieve the desired results. Share your vision, concerns, and any specific requirements. Collaborate closely with the professional engineers at Ten87 Studio to ensure that your creative vision is translated into the final product.

  1. Trust the Process:

Finally, trust the expertise of the professionals at Ten87 Studio. They have years of experience and a deep understanding of the recording process. Be open to their suggestions and advice, as they have your best interests and the success of your single in mind.


Recording your first single at Ten87 Studio is an exciting and rewarding experience. By following these ten tips, you can ensure that your recording session runs smoothly and results in a high-quality single that reflects your artistic vision. From careful planning to effective communication and attention to detail, Ten87 Studio’s dedicated team of engineers will guide you through the process and help you create a memorable and impactful debut single. Embrace the journey and enjoy the experience as you embark on your musical career.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

The Power of Community: Fostering Creativity and Collaboration at Ten87

Creating music is a deeply personal and creative endeavour, but it doesn’t have to be a solitary journey. At Ten87 we understand the transformative power of community when recording music. Building a supportive network of fellow artists, engineers, and industry professionals can elevate your music-making experience to new heights. In this article, we explore the profound impact that community has on the creative process and how Ten87 Studios fosters an environment that nurtures collaboration, inspiration, and growth.

Shared Inspiration and Support:

One of the most significant benefits of a thriving community is the shared inspiration and support it provides. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals at Ten87 who share a passion for music can fuel your own creativity. Engaging in conversations, exchanging ideas, and attending events where you can connect with other artists can inspire fresh perspectives and encourage you to push the boundaries of your music.

Collaboration and Collective Creativity:

Collaboration is a powerful catalyst for creativity. Ten87 Studio encourages artists to collaborate with one another, offering a space where musicians can come together to write, record, and produce music collectively. Collaborative projects not only provide fresh ideas and perspectives but also allow for the fusion of different musical styles and influences, resulting in unique and innovative compositions.

Constructive Feedback and Growth:

Receiving constructive feedback is an invaluable asset for artists seeking to refine their craft. At Ten87, community members have the opportunity to give and receive feedback in a supportive and constructive environment. This feedback loop fosters growth, helping artists identify areas for improvement and encouraging them to experiment with new ideas and techniques.

Networking and Industry Connections:

Building a strong network of industry connections is vital for musicians looking to take their careers to the next level. Ten87 provides ample opportunities for artists to connect with industry professionals, including record label representatives, producers, and managers. This access to a wider network opens doors to collaborations, performance opportunities, and potential career advancements.

Emotional Support and Camaraderie:

The music industry can be challenging, and artists often face various obstacles and setbacks. Within a community like Ten87 Studio, artists find solace in the understanding and camaraderie of fellow musicians who are on a similar journey. The emotional support provided by a close-knit community can help artists navigate the ups and downs of the music industry and stay motivated to pursue their artistic visions.

Exposure and Promotion:

Being part of a vibrant music community can provide exposure and promotion opportunities for artists. Ten87 actively promotes the work of community members, both online and through various industry connections. This exposure increases the visibility of artists’ music, attracting new listeners and potential collaborators.


The power of community within the context of music creation cannot be overstated. At Ten87, we recognize the transformative impact of fostering a supportive and collaborative environment. By embracing community, artists gain access to shared inspiration, collaboration opportunities, skill-sharing, constructive feedback, networking connections, emotional support, and exposure. Together, we can harness the collective power of creativity, pushing the boundaries of music and realising artistic visions that may have otherwise remained untapped. Join the Ten87 community and experience the magic of community-driven music making.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Vocal Recording In a Professional Studio

Vocal Recording in a Music Studio

Capturing the Perfect Vocal Performance: The Art of Vocal Recording in a Music StudioA great vocal performance can make or break a song, and recording vocals in a music studio is a critical process that requires careful attention to detail. A well-recorded vocal track can elevate a song, imbuing it with emotion, texture, and personality. In this article, we will delve into the art of vocal recording in a music studio, exploring the techniques, tools, and strategies that can help capture the perfect vocal performance.

The Importance of Preparation:

Before diving into the recording process, it is essential to ensure that the artist is prepared. This includes warming up the voice, rehearsing the song, and setting the right emotional tone. The artist should also be well-rested and hydrated, as these factors can significantly affect the vocal performance. A well-prepared artist will be more confident and comfortable in the recording booth, resulting in a better vocal delivery.

Microphone Selection:

Choosing the right microphone for vocal recording is crucial, as it can have a significant impact on the sound quality and the way a vocal is presented in the mix. There are several types of microphones to choose from, generally including dynamic and condenser. Condenser microphones are a popular choice for vocal recording, as they are sensitive and can capture the nuances of the performance. The microphone should also be positioned at the optimal distance from the artist’s mouth to capture a clear and balanced sound. As every microphone has a different frequency response, it is often best to compare different microphones with the vocalist to figure out what microphone is best suited for the vocals.

Room Acoustics and Treatment:

The acoustics of the recording space can also affect the sound quality of the vocal recording. Ideally, the room should have minimal reverb and echo, as these can distort the sound and make it difficult to mix later on. Room treatment, such as sound absorption panels and diffusers, can help mitigate these issues and create a controlled environment for vocal recording.

Pop Filters and Wind Screens:

Pop filters and wind screens are essential tools that can help prevent plosives and other unwanted noise from affecting the vocal recording. Plosives are the explosive sounds that occur when certain consonants, such as “p” and “b” are pronounced. Pop filters are designed to filter out these sounds by placing a mesh screen between the microphone and the artist’s mouth. Wind screens, on the other hand, are used to prevent wind noise from affecting the vocal recording.

Monitoring and Feedback:

Monitoring the vocal recording is crucial to ensure that the sound quality is optimal and that there are no technical issues. Headphones are used to monitor the performance in real-time, allowing the artist and engineer to provide immediate feedback and make adjustments as needed. A good monitoring system can also help the artist maintain their pitch and timing, resulting in a more polished and professional performance.

Multiple Takes and Editing:

Recording multiple takes of the vocal performance can provide the artist with more options to choose from during the mixing process. Editing tools, such as comping and tuning software, can also be used to enhance the vocal recording. Compiling the best parts of multiple takes and tuning certain notes can help create a more polished and cohesive vocal performance.

Vocal recording in a music studio is a complex and intricate process that requires a combination of technical skill and artistic intuition. Capturing the perfect vocal performance involves a range of

factors, including microphone selection, room acoustics, and monitoring and feedback. With careful preparation, attention to detail, and the right tools and techniques, vocal recording can result in a stunning and unforgettable performance that elevates the song to new heights. Why not hire our recording studios. Click here for more information.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Renting A Music Studio For A Day

Renting a music studio for a day?

In today’s music industry, the quest for sonic perfection and artistic brilliance has led musicians, producers, and audio engineers to seek refuge in the realm of professional recording studios. These creative sanctuaries are equipped with cutting-edge technology, expert professionals, and an environment conducive to capturing and refining musical masterpieces. In this article, we will delve into the captivating world of professional recording studios, exploring their significance, key components, and the transformative experiences they offer.

The Sanctuary of Sound:

A professional recording studio is not just a physical space; it is a haven where music is elevated to its highest form. Soundproofed rooms adorned with acoustic treatment ensure an environment free from external disturbances, allowing artists to immerse themselves completely in their craft. The isolation booths provide a sanctuary for capturing pristine vocal performances, while the control room acts as the nerve centre where every musical nuance is monitored and sculpted.

Cutting-Edge Technology:

At the heart of any professional recording studio lies a vast array of state-of-the-art equipment. From high-quality microphones and preamps to mixing consoles and digital audio workstations, these tools enable artists to capture their vision with unparalleled precision. The digital revolution has opened new avenues for creativity, granting musicians the ability to experiment with sounds and effects, enhancing the possibilities of their compositions.

The Expert Collaborators:

One of the most invaluable aspects of a professional recording studio is the team of experts that supports the creative process. From experienced audio engineers and producers to session musicians and songwriters, these professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Their guidance and input can transform a good song into an exceptional one, leveraging their technical know-how to enhance arrangements, mix elements, and optimise overall sound quality.

Inspiring Creativity:

The ambiance within a professional recording studio is carefully curated to foster creativity. The atmosphere is imbued with an energy that ignites the artist’s imagination, allowing them to explore their sonic landscapes freely. These studios often house a collection of vintage instruments and a myriad of sound libraries, enabling artists to experiment with diverse sounds and textures. The absence of distractions and the focus on the craft inspire musicians to delve deeper into their emotions, resulting in performances that are truly authentic and captivating.

Collaborative Synergy:

Professional recording studios also serve as hubs for collaborative endeavours. They provide a space for musicians to come together, share ideas, and create something greater than the sum of its parts. The opportunity to bounce ideas off fellow artists and receive instant feedback creates an environment that breeds innovation. The synergy that arises from these collaborations can lead to the birth of remarkable musical projects, showcasing the power of collective creativity.

The Sonic Masterpiece:

Ultimately, the culmination of all these elements is a sonic masterpiece. The marriage of artistic vision, technical prowess, and the state-of-the-art environment results in recordings that possess depth, clarity, and emotional impact. A professional recording studio serves as a conduit through which the artist’s intentions are conveyed to the listener with utmost precision. It is the medium through which dreams are transformed into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the world of music.


A professional recording studio represents the pinnacle of creative expression in the realm of music. It offers an oasis of sound, where artistic brilliance is nurtured and unleashed. With cutting-edge technology, a team of experts, and an environment that inspires creativity, these studios are catalysts for musical innovation. They have become the birthplace of iconic albums and the sanctuary for artists to craft their sonic legacy. In a world where music is constantly evolving, professional recording studios continue to serve as timeless bastions of artistic excellence.

For more information about Ten87 Day Hire click here!

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Professional Recording Studio

Ten87 is a professional recording studio in a specialised facility designed for the purpose of creating high-quality recordings of music, spoken word, and other types of audio content. These studios are typically equipped with state-of-the-art recording equipment and technology, along with trained staff who can help artists and producers achieve the best possible results.

The first thing to consider when looking at a professional recording studio is the equipment that is available. High-quality microphones, mixing boards, and software are all essential for producing the best possible recordings. Some studios may specialise in particular types of music or audio content, and may have equipment that is specifically designed for those purposes.

In addition to equipment, the acoustics of the studio are also very important. The sound quality of a recording is greatly influenced by the environment in which it is recorded, and a well-designed recording studio will have a carefully tuned acoustic space that is optimised for the types of recordings that are being made.

Professional recording studios also offer a range of services beyond just recording. They may offer mixing and mastering services, which can help to ensure that the final product sounds its best. They may also have engineers and producers on staff who can offer advice and guidance on how to achieve the desired sound.

One of the main advantages of working in a professional recording studio is the ability to collaborate with experienced professionals. Whether it’s an engineer, a producer, or a session musician, having access to a network of skilled professionals can help to elevate the quality of the recording. This is particularly important for artists who are just starting out and may not have their own team of professionals to rely on.

Another advantage of working in a professional recording studio is the ability to access a wide range of equipment and technology. Professional studios often invest in the latest and greatest recording technology, which can help to create recordings that sound more polished and professional. This technology can include things like digital audio workstations, high-end microphones and preamps, and specialised software and plugins.

For musicians, recording in a professional studio can also help to take their performances to the next level. The pressure of recording in a studio environment can push musicians to perform at their best, and the ability to hear themselves more clearly through high-quality monitors can help them to fine-tune their playing.

Of course, working in a professional recording studio does come at a cost. Rates can vary depending on the studio, the equipment, and the services that are being offered. However, for serious musicians and audio professionals, the investment can be well worth it in terms of the quality of the final product and the opportunities that it can create.

In conclusion, a professional recording studio is an essential tool for musicians, producers, and audio professionals who are serious about creating high-quality recordings. These facilities offer a range of services and equipment that can help to elevate the quality of the final product, and the opportunity to collaborate with experienced professionals can be invaluable. While working in a professional studio does come at a cost, the investment can be well worth it in terms of the quality of the final product and the opportunities that it can create.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

SSL EQ types: All you need to know

Solid State Logic is a brand that is synonymous with the recording environment. The brand are well known for their high-quality mixing consoles. In this blog, we will be exploring the different types of Solid State Logic’s equalisers found on their recording consoles and outboard gear.1. The SSL E-Series EQ

The SSL E-Series EQ is one of the most iconic equalisers in the world of recording. It was first introduced in the 1980s and quickly became the go-to EQ for many engineers. The E-Series EQ is unique in that it has a fixed-frequency design. This means that each band is set to a specific frequency, and there are no sweepable controls.

The E-Series EQ has four bands, with frequencies set at 100Hz, 200Hz, 3kHz, and 10kHz. Each band has a gain control, and there is also a high-pass filter that can be engaged at 50Hz or 120Hz. The E-Series EQ is known for its smooth sound and ability to add warmth to recordings. It’s often used on vocals, drums, and guitars.

2. The SSL G-Series EQ

The SSL G-Series EQ is another iconic equaliser from Solid State Logic. It was first introduced in the 1980s as part of the SSL 4000 mixing console. The G-Series EQ is known for its punchy sound and distinct midrange.

The G-Series EQ has four bands, with frequencies set at 33Hz, 105Hz, 390Hz, and 1.6kHz. Each band has a gain control, and there is also a high-pass filter that can be engaged at 50Hz or 80Hz. The G-Series EQ is often used on drums, bass, and electric guitars.

3. The SSL E/G 4000 EQ

The SSL E/G 4000 EQ is a combination of both the E-Series and G-Series equalisers. It was first introduced in the SSL 4000 mixing console and has become a popular choice for engineers.

The E/G 4000 EQ has four bands, with frequencies set at 40Hz, 160Hz, 1.6kHz, and 6.4kHz. Each band has a gain control, and there is also a high-pass filter that can be engaged at 50Hz or 120Hz. The E/G 4000 EQ is known for its versatility and is often used on a wide range of instruments.

4. The SSL 9000 Series EQ

The SSL 9000 Series EQ was introduced in the 1990s and is still widely used today. It has a more modern sound compared to the E/G 4000 EQ and is often used on digital recordings.

The 9000 Series EQ has four bands, with frequencies set at 31Hz, 63Hz, 125Hz, and 250Hz. Each band has a gain control, and there is also a high-pass filter that can be engaged at 30Hz or 50Hz. The 9000 Series EQ is often used on vocals, bass, and acoustic guitars.

5. The SSL 500 Series EQ

The SSL 500 Series EQ is a newer addition to the Solid State Logic family of equalisers. It is designed to be used in the 500 Series format, which is a modular rack system that allows engineers to mix and match preamps, compressors, and EQs.

The 500 Series EQ has four bands, with frequencies set at 20Hz, 160Hz, 2.5kHz, and 10kHz. Each band has a gain control, and there is also a high-pass filter that can be engaged at 30Hz, 40Hz, 75Hz, or 150Hz. The 500 Series EQ is known for its transparency and is often used on vocals, acoustic guitars, and piano.

Solid State Logic is a brand that is synonymous with high-quality audio equipment. Their equalisers are no exception, and each one has its own unique sound and features. Whether you’re looking for a smooth, warm sound or a punchy, modern sound, there is an SSL equaliser to suit your needs.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

The Future of Music Production in the UK

The world of music production has undergone significant changes in recent years, and the future of the industry is full of both challenges and opportunities for record producers. From the rise of streaming services to the increasing role of technology in music creation, record producers must navigate a rapidly evolving landscape in order to succeed in the years ahead.

One of the biggest challenges facing record producers today is the increasing competition in the music industry. With the rise of affordable home recording technology and the ease of digital distribution, more and more artists are producing and releasing their own music independently. This has led to a crowded marketplace, making it more difficult for record producers to stand out and make a name for themselves.

Another challenge facing record producers is the changing nature of music consumption. Streaming services have become the dominant form of music consumption in recent years, and this has had a significant impact on the way music is produced and marketed. Record producers must now consider how their music will sound on streaming platforms and how it will be discovered by listeners who rely on algorithmic recommendations.

Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities for record producers in the years ahead. One of the biggest opportunities is the increasing role of technology in music creation. Advances in software and hardware have made it easier than ever for record producers to create and manipulate sounds in innovative ways, and to collaborate with artists from around the world.

Another opportunity for record producers is the growing demand for high-quality, immersive music experiences. From virtual reality concerts to immersive audio technologies like Dolby Atmos, there is a growing appetite for music that goes beyond the traditional stereo mix. Record producers who can create music that takes advantage of these new technologies will be well positioned to succeed in the years ahead.

To succeed in this changing landscape, record producers will need to adapt and evolve their skills and approach. This means being open to new technologies and ways of working, and staying up to date with the latest trends and developments in the industry.

One of the key skills that record producers will need to master is collaboration. In an industry where artists are increasingly producing their own music, record producers must be able to work effectively with a range of creative professionals, including musicians, songwriters, and engineers. This requires strong communication skills, as well as the ability to provide creative input and feedback in a way that is constructive and supportive.

Record producers will also need to be able to navigate the complex landscape of music copyright and royalties. With the increasing use of sample-based music and the rise of streaming services, understanding the legal and financial implications of music production is more important than ever. Record producers who can navigate these issues effectively will be able to protect their work and ensure that they are fairly compensated for their contributions.

In addition to mastering these skills, record producers will also need to stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the industry. This means following blogs, podcasts, and other sources of industry news, as well as attending conferences and networking events to stay connected with other professionals in the field.

Ultimately, the future of music production is full of both challenges and opportunities for record producers. Those who are able to adapt and evolve their skills and approach will be well positioned to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry. By staying up to date with the latest trends and developments, mastering collaboration and communication skills, and navigating the complex landscape of music copyright and royalties, record producers can position themselves as valuable partners to artists and other creatives, and help to shape the future of music production.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Navigating Copyright and Royalties for Record Producers

Navigating copyright and royalties can be a tricky business for record producers. Understanding the ins and outs of these legal concepts is crucial to protecting your work and ensuring that you receive proper compensation for your contributions to a recording.

Firstly, it’s important to understand what copyright is and how it applies to music production. Copyright is a form of legal protection for creators of original works, including music recordings. When a record producer creates a new recording, they automatically hold the copyright to that work, unless they have assigned it to someone else. Copyright gives the creator the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and publicly perform their work, as well as to create derivative works based on the original.

However, in the UK, copyright law is complex and constantly evolving. The law governing copyright is contained in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which has been amended numerous times over the years to keep pace with changes in technology and business models.

As a record producer, it’s important to be aware of your rights and responsibilities when it comes to copyright. For example, if you want to use someone else’s copyrighted work in your own recording, you’ll need to obtain permission or a license from the copyright holder. Failure to do so could result in legal action being taken against you, and could lead to damages being awarded against you.

Another important aspect of copyright law for record producers to be aware of is the concept of moral rights. Moral rights give creators the right to be credited for their work and to object to any changes made to their work that might harm their reputation. As a record producer, it’s important to respect the moral rights of the artists and musicians you work with, and to ensure that they are properly credited for their contributions to a recording.

When it comes to royalties, record producers are entitled to a share of the income generated by a recording. The amount of royalties you receive will depend on a number of factors, including the terms of your contract with the artist or label, and the way in which the recording is exploited.

For example, if the recording is used in a commercial setting, such as a film or television program, the record producer may be entitled to a share of the royalties generated by that use. Similarly, if the recording is played on the radio or streamed online, the record producer may be entitled to a share of the royalties generated by those uses.

However, navigating the complex world of royalties can be challenging, particularly in the digital age, where music is consumed and distributed in a variety of ways. It’s important for record producers to work with experienced legal and financial advisors to ensure that they are receiving fair and appropriate compensation for their work.

Navigating copyright and royalties can be a complex and challenging process for creators. However, by understanding the legal concepts involved and working with experienced advisors, record producers can protect their work and ensure that they receive fair compensation for their contributions to a recording. As the music industry continues to evolve, it’s important for record producers to stay informed and adapt to new business models and technologies, in order to continue to succeed in this exciting and dynamic field.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

The Evolution of Recording Studios in the UK: Past, Present and Future

The UK has long been at the forefront of music production, with recording studios serving as the birthplace of some of the most iconic songs and albums in music history. From the early days of Abbey Road Studios to the modern digital age, the evolution of recording studios in the UK has been marked by innovation, creativity, and a dedication to excellence.

In the past, recording studios in the UK were mostly large, expensive facilities that were only accessible to established artists and record labels. One of the earliest and most famous examples of a UK recording studio is Abbey Road Studios, which opened in 1931 and quickly became a go-to destination for artists looking to record their music. The studio was known for its state-of-the-art equipment and innovative techniques, which included the creation of the first-ever stereo recording.

During the 1960s and 1970s, the UK music scene exploded, with a host of new bands and artists emerging on the scene. This period saw the rise of many iconic recording studios, such as Olympic Studios and Trident Studios. These studios were known for their unique and experimental approaches to music production, and they attracted some of the biggest names in the industry, including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and David Bowie.

As technology advanced and digital recording equipment became more affordable, the recording studio landscape in the UK began to change. Smaller, independent studios began to emerge, offering artists more affordable and accessible options for recording their music. These studios were often run by music enthusiasts who were passionate about the art of music production, and they offered a more personalized and intimate experience for artists.

Today, the UK recording studio scene is a diverse and dynamic landscape that includes everything from high-end, state-of-the-art facilities to smaller, more intimate studios. One notable trend in recent years has been the rise of home recording studios, which allow artists to record and produce their music from the comfort of their own homes. This trend has been fueled by advances in digital recording technology, which have made it possible to create professional-quality recordings with just a laptop and a microphone.

Looking to the future, it seems likely that recording studios in the UK will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs and preferences of artists. One potential area of growth is in the virtual recording studio space, which uses virtual and augmented reality technology to create immersive recording environments. This technology could allow artists to collaborate with producers and other musicians from around the world, without ever leaving their homes.

Another area of potential growth is in the development of AI-powered music production tools, which could help automate some of the more mundane aspects of music production, such as mixing and mastering. These tools could free up producers and engineers to focus on more creative tasks, and could potentially lead to the development of new and innovative music production techniques.

The evolution of recording studios in the UK has been marked by a dedication to innovation, creativity, and excellence. From the early days of Abbey Road Studios to the modern digital age, the UK recording studio scene has been at the forefront of music production, attracting some of the biggest names in the industry and producing some of the most iconic songs and albums in music history. As technology continues to advance, it seems likely that the recording studio landscape in the UK will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs and preferences of artists, paving the way for new and innovative approaches to music production.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

What is online music mastering?

Online music mastering is a process of enhancing the sound quality of an audio track through digital software and tools. It involves the final stage of audio post-production, where the audio engineer polishes the final mix to achieve a balanced, clear, and cohesive sound. Online mastering services are becoming increasingly popular as more musicians and producers seek professional sound quality for their music.

Online mastering provides musicians and producers with a cost-effective and convenient way to achieve high-quality sound without the need for expensive studio equipment or personnel. Musicians can upload their audio files to an online mastering platform, and a professional audio engineer will work on the tracks remotely, applying various processing techniques to optimise the sound quality.

The mastering engineer uses a range of tools to address different aspects of the sound, such as dynamics, frequency balance, stereo imaging, and overall loudness. The process begins with a thorough analysis of the mix to identify any technical issues that need to be addressed. The engineer may then use EQ, compression, limiting, stereo widening, and other processing tools to adjust the sound to achieve the desired sonic characteristics. The final stage involves preparing the mastered tracks for distribution, such as adding metadata, encoding to various formats, and creating a final master file.

Online music mastering services offer musicians and producers a range of benefits, including the ability to work with professional mastering engineers without the need for a physical studio. Online mastering services are often more affordable than traditional mastering services, making them accessible to independent musicians and small record labels. They also offer faster turnaround times, as the process can be completed remotely and online, without the need for physical delivery of audio files.

In conclusion, music online mastering is a vital process in achieving high-quality sound for recorded music. It provides musicians and producers with a cost-effective and convenient way to access professional mastering services, regardless of their location or budget. With the growth of online mastering services, more musicians can achieve the sound quality they desire and compete in the ever-expanding music industry.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

What is the Difference between Stereo vs Stem Mastering?

Stereo and stem mastering are two different approaches to audio mastering that produce different results. Stereo mastering involves processing the final stereo mix of a song or album, while stem mastering involves processing individual groups of tracks or stems that make up the final mix. Understanding the differences between these two approaches can help musicians and producers make informed decisions about which method is best for their music.

Stereo mastering is the most common approach to mastering and involves processing a single stereo mixdown of the song or album. The mastering engineer uses various processing tools, such as EQ, compression, and limiting, to achieve a balanced and polished sound. The goal of stereo mastering is to make the final mix sound as good as possible across all listening devices, such as headphones, speakers, and car stereos.

Stem mastering, on the other hand, involves processing individual groups of tracks or stems that make up the final mix. These stems may include drums, bass, guitars, vocals, and other instruments. Each stem is processed separately, allowing the mastering engineer to make more detailed adjustments to the sound. The final mix is then assembled from the processed stems.

Stem mastering offers more flexibility and control over the sound of the final mix. It allows the mastering engineer to make more targeted adjustments to individual elements of the mix, such as boosting the bass in the drums or adding more clarity to the vocals. Stem mastering can also help fix issues that may be present in the stereo mix, such as an overly boomy bass or harsh highs.

However, stem mastering can also be more time-consuming and expensive than stereo mastering, as it requires more processing and attention to detail. It also requires the producer or musician to provide the individual stems, which may not always be possible, particularly if the original recording was done in a home studio with limited equipment.

In conclusion, both stereo and stem mastering are effective approaches to achieving a high-quality sound for recorded music. While stereo mastering is more common and generally less expensive, stem mastering offers more control and flexibility over the sound of the final mix. Ultimately, the choice between stereo and stem mastering will depend on the goals, budget, and resources of the musician or producer.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Are You Looking For A Day Hire Studio In London?

Are You Looking For A Day Hire Studio In London?

If you’re a musician, you know how important it is to have high-quality recordings of your music. After all, your recordings are how you’ll be able to share your music with the world.

But if you’re on a tight budget, you might wonder whether it’s worth booking time in a professional recording studio. If you are wavering over the decision, with a budget you could stretch, then you should definitely take the leap and book it. Here’s why you need to book a day hire studio in London. 

You’ll Get Professional-Quality Recordings 

When you book time in a day hire studio, you’ll be able to work with experienced sound engineers who will help you get the best possible recordings of your music. They’ll know how to use the studio’s equipment to get optimal results, and they’ll be able to offer suggestions on how to make your songs sound even better. 

You Won’t Have To Worry About Distractions 

When you’re recording at home, there will always be distractions that can ruin your takes. Kids screaming, street noise, family interruptions and general household noises that can all ruin your concentration and make it difficult to get a good recording.

But when you’re in a professional recording studio, all of those distractions will be gone so that you can focus entirely on getting great takes. 

Why Ten87 Is one of the best Day Hire Studios In London      

Ten87 Studios is one of the best day-hire studios in London for several reasons.

Firstly, the studio has an incredible live room with high ceilings, precise acoustics, and a wealth of instruments, including a Yamaha C3 Grand and Fender Rhodes Piano. This makes it the perfect choice for bands and artists who want to record live performances.

The large-scale control room is also packed with top-of-the-line equipment, including a vintage SSL6032E console with the legendary 232 (Pulteg) EQ. This allows producers and engineers to create high-quality recordings with ease. The studio also has comprehensive monitoring from Genelec and ATC and the finest audio reproduction systems in the business.

The best thing about Ten87? We’re all about the community. We are home to a 150-strong audio community of producers, engineers, and artists, so there will always be someone around to help, offer advice or even for possible collaboration.

All this makes Ten87 Studios the perfect choice for day hire recording sessions in London. Whether you’re a band or artist looking to record a live performance, or a producer or engineer looking to create high-quality recordings, Ten87 Studios is a perfect choice.


As a musician, it’s important to have high-quality recordings of your music. That’s why booking time in a day hire studio is a great idea. You’ll be able to work with experienced sound engineers who will help you get the best possible recordings of your music without having to worry about distractions or rushing through takes.

So if you’re looking for the best way to record your music, book time at Ten87 Studios.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Why Ten87 is an amazing London studio option for your project

Why Ten87 is an amazing London studio option for your project. If you’re a musician looking for a high-quality recording studio in London, look no further than Ten87. Here’s why Ten87 is the best choice for recording your next project.

A collaborative community of over 150 recording artists

At Ten87, you’ll be surrounded by some of the best recording artists in London. This supportive community will help you push your creativity to new heights and encourage production of your best work.

Some recent artists that have used our studios include Professor Green, Beverley Knight, Goldie, Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes, BBK, The Pixies, and Niella. With these clients using our facilities, you can be sure that Ten87 is one of the best and most exciting recording studios in London.

Advanced studio acoustic design

World-renowned acoustic experts design Ten87’s studios to provide the perfect environment for recording. You’ll be able to focus on your performance and get results that sound better than ever before.

Ten87’s day hire studio, The Club, has everything you need for a successful recording session, including:

  • Precise acoustics
  • An SSL 6k E series
  • Outboard from Neve, Chandler EMI, Universal Audio, and EMT
  • Monitoring via a pair of ATC SCM45’s and Yamaha NS10’s
  • Several guitars, including a Fender Strat 1969 custom USA, Fender Tele USA, an acoustic guitar, and a Fender Precision Bass
  • A Yamaha C3 Grand Piano and a Rhodes 73 MK 1

KOMPLETE Kontrol virtual system that includes 14 synthesisers, 30 sampled instruments, A selection of full drum kits, and 16 different sound effects

This is just a sampling of The Club’s equipment and features. When you book a session at Ten87, you’ll have access to all this and more. You can also bring your own instruments, with space for a 10-piece ensemble.

Over 40 recording studios across 3 locations in Tottenham

With 47 studios spread out across 3 locations in Tottenham, Ten87 has you covered . There’s sure to be a studio that’s perfect for your needs.

Gaunson House was our very first studio and is still one of our most popular. There are 6 music studios, which were all recently updated to improve the appearance and acoustics.

Markfield Road is our flagship recording location, and there are 31 long-term let studios here. This is the perfect place to record your next album or EP, as you’ll have access to all of the best facilities in an environment conducive to creativity.

High Cross is the newest addition to the Ten87 family, and it is located in a quieter area with lots of backstage storage. This makes it perfect for rehearsals, as well as recordings.

Long-term and day-hire options

Need a studio for an extended period?  Ten87 offers long-term hire options at competitive rates. Alternatively, if you need a studio for a day or two, we also have day-hire options.

Has connections and partnerships that can help you in your career

As one of the leading recording studios in London, Ten87 has connections with London based management contacts, labels and venues. These connections can help you further your career and take things to the next level. 


There are many reasons to choose Ten87 as your recording studio in London, but these five reasons should be enough to convince you that we’re a fantastic choice. If you’re looking for a supportive community of musicians, advanced studio design, convenient locations, flexible hire options, and industry connections, look no further than Ten87.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Why You Need A Music Recording Service In London

The UK has a long and illustrious history when it comes to music. Some of the world’s most famous and influential musicians have come from the UK. It’s no wonder that so many up-and-coming musicians pursue their musical dreams in London. 

As any musician knows, one of the most important things to consider when starting is finding a good music recording service. A good music recording service will have the experience and expertise to help you get the best possible recordings of your songs. They will also be able to provide you with guidance and support throughout the process, 

There are many reasons why you need a music recording service in London. Here are just a few.

You Need Access To Professional Equipment 

If you want your recordings to sound professional and up to an industry standard, then you need to use professional equipment. Building a recording studio set up outside of your bedroom is a necessary step to legitimising your music production value. 

A good music recording service that our day hire studio can provide, will have all of the latest equipment and technology, meaning that your recordings will always sound great. 

You Need an Experienced Engineer 

Recording music is a complex process, and a lot can go wrong. If you want your recordings to sound perfect, you need someone who knows what they are doing behind the scenes.

A good engineer can spot any problems and make sure that they are corrected before it is too late, here at Ten87 we can connect you to amazing industry standard engineers. 

You Need a Good Location 

The location of your recording studio is also important. If you want to record in a professional environment, you need to find a studio located in a quiet area away from any external noise pollution. This will ensure that your recordings are as clear as possible. 

You Need Affordable Rates 

As a musician, money is often tight. This is why it’s important to find a music recording service that offers affordable rates without compromising on quality.  As well as the opportunity to rent a whole studio to yourself, we also have an option to connect you to share a studio with other artists looking to split the costs.

Why Ten87 Is The Perfect Music Recording Service For You

Here at Ten87, we believe in the power of collaboration. We believe amazing music      can be created when artists come together. Being a part of our community of over 150 recording artists with varying styles and backgrounds is an amazing opportunity to meet possible collaborators to come together with and create new  music. 

In addition to our collaborative community, we also have some of the most advanced studio acoustic designs in the business. We have over 40 recording studios across 3 locations in North London, each with its own unique design. 

And because we believe in the power of collaboration, our studio complexes are designed to create an      open and inviting atmosphere, with communal areas allowing the possibility to meet your studio neighbours. So whether you’re a solo artist or a band, you’ll feel right at home at Ten87. 


So if you’re looking for the perfect place to record your next album, look no further than Ten87. We have everything you need to create your masterpiece, from our collaborative community to our state-of-the-art studios.

If you want your recordings to sound professional, use a reputable and experienced service that can provide you with everything you need to succeed. Drop us a message and come and see us, and we can see what we can do for you.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Professional Recording Studio London

A professional recording studio is a facility designed for high-quality audio recording, mixing, and mastering. It is equipped with specialised equipment and technology to capture and manipulate sound, providing a controlled and optimised environment for musicians, producers, and audio engineers to create and produce music.

We offer a professional recording studio space in London nicknamed ‘the club’, consisting of several rooms designed for different purposes. The control room is where the audio engineer operates and controls the recording and mixing equipment, and where the monitors are placed to evaluate the sound quality. The live room is where the musicians perform and record their parts, with acoustic treatment to control the sound reflections and achieve the desired sound. The baffles are used for recording vocals or instruments that need to be isolated from other sounds, providing a clean and focused recording.

Our professional recording studios are equipped with a range of specialised equipment and technology to capture and manipulate sound, such as microphones, preamps, compressors, equalisers, and digital audio workstations (DAWs). The equipment and technology used in a professional recording studio is designed to capture sound with maximum fidelity, allowing for precise editing, mixing, and mastering.

Our professional recording studios in London offer a range of benefits to musicians, producers, and audio engineers. They provide a controlled environment that allows for high-quality audio recording and production, which is essential for creating professional-grade music. They also provide access to specialised equipment and technology that may not be available to musicians and producers working in a home studio or a smaller recording facility.

Moreover, professional recording studios offer the expertise of audio engineers who are trained and experienced in recording, mixing, and mastering audio. The engineer can provide guidance and advice on the recording process, help with the arrangement of the music, and provide a fresh perspective on the sound quality.

In conclusion, our professional recording studios in London are specialised facilities designed for high-quality audio recording, mixing, and mastering. Equipped with specialised equipment and technology, it provides a controlled and optimised environment for musicians, producers, and audio engineers to create and produce music. The benefits of working in a professional recording studio include access to specialised equipment, expert guidance, and the ability to create professional-grade music.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Are You Looking for a Music Studio Long Term Let in Tottenham?

If you are looking for a music studio long-term let in Tottenham, Ten87 might be a great fit for you.

Ten87 has 47 music studios for long-term let in Tottenham, spread across three sites. First, there’s Gaunson House, where it all started, with six studios. Then there’s High Cross, the newest and most advanced studio complex, containing ten studios. And then there’s the biggest studio complex, Markfield Road, with a total number of 31 long-term let music studios.

However, it’s worth noting that these are not fully equipped with gear for you to use. You will need to bring your own instruments and equipment. Ten87 provides acoustically treated and soundproofed spaces for creators to use long-term, but you need to bring your own gear. Of course, the advantage to this approach is that you get to create music however it suits you, using equipment you are familiar with and happy using. Ten87 provides the space and takes care of everything else. 

Although Ten87 has a day hire space you can use, most Ten87 studios in Tottenham are for a long-term let. The minimum time you can book a studio for is three months, with a two-month notice period. However, you can book a studio for as long as three years, making it an ideal solution for those planning to work on a long-term project such as recording an entire album of new music.

But it’s perhaps the sense of community which is the biggest plus point to making music in a Ten87 studio. When you arrive, you will be introduced to other musicians so that you can become part of a tight-knit collection of creatives. You can also share a studio, which further increases the likelihood of collaboration. 

Ten87 has connections and partnerships that can help you on your creative journey. Whether it’s access to audio hardware and software for purchasing or hiring, or radio stations. Ten87 can help you as an artist to build bridges and expand your creative network. 

In regards to COVID safety,  the studios are thoroughly deep cleaned daily, and any frequent touchpoints are cleaned throughout the day. This is in addition to the unique air-flow systems installed in all of the studios and sanitation points to help you keep your hands clean.

For much needed Refreshments and great coffee, Craving is the place for you. Or If beer and pizza are more to your taste, True Craft is where you need to go. But if you want the unique experience of having a beer in a former public toilet, The High Cross is for you.

So, there you are, the search for a music studio long-term let in Tottenham might not be as hard as you anticipated.   All of us here at Ten87 are so excited to hear the great music you could make during your time here!

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Are You Looking for a Recording Studio for London?

Are you looking for a recording studio for London?If so, you are definitely in the right place. Here, we look at some of the most iconic studios in London, plus a particularly special collection of modern recording studios in the North London area.

London: giving birth to many great musicians

Home to over nine million people and being the UK’s capital city, it’s easy to see why London has a thriving music scene. The city hosts many big music companies, such as Warner Music Group and Universal Music Group International, and has some of the world’s best music performance venues, such as:

  • The Royal Albert Hall
  • The Royal Opera House
  • The Barbican Arts Centre
  • Cadogan Hall
  • The London Coliseum
  • The O2 Arena
  • Wembley Arena
  • Brixton Academy
  • Hammersmith Apollo

As for musicians and bands, you are in good company in London. Here are some well-known musical artists from the city:

  • Adele
  • Amy Winehouse
  • Led Zeppelin
  • David Bowie
  • Queen
  • Pink Floyd
  • George Michael
  • Rolling Stones
  • Coldplay

Are you looking for a recording studio for London?

If you are looking for a recording studio for London, particularly in North London, look no further than Ten87 Studios. We are not just one studio. We are a collection of studios and a whole musical community. More than 150 recording artists call Ten87 their musical home. 

And it’s easy to see why. We have over 40 recording studios across three locations in Tottenham, North London. These can be hired for whatever length of time suits you, from a couple of months to two years. 

  • High Cross is our newest site, containing ten studios with an advanced acoustic design and plenty of natural light. Thanks to the customised panelling, the reverb times are superb, and there is plenty of storage space if you have lots of gear.
  • Markfield Road is our largest site, with 31 long-term let studios. And if you need refreshments, the onsite restaurant, cafe and bar have some of the best food and coffee around.
  • Gaunson House is where it all began and contains six studios that were all refurbished in 2020.

But what if you don’t want to hire a studio for several months? That’s fine. In that case, our day hire studio contains all the audio recording and processing equipment you need and enough space to fit a 10-piece ensemble. 

The most famous recording studios in London

Of course, we couldn’t talk about recording studios without paying our respects to London’s most famous recording studios. 

  • Britannia Row Studios. Pink Floyd built this studio to record their 1975 album Wish You Were Here. Since then, it has played host to Jocelyn Brown, Westlife, and Mike Skinner.
  • Abbey Road Studios. Famous for the Beatles album of the same name and that iconic pedestrian crossing that everyone now photographs themselves walking across. 
  • Trident Studio. The Beatles recorded here, too, when making some of their White Album. It has also welcomed Elton John, Queen, the Bee Gees, Lou Reed, and the Rolling Stones.
  • RGM Sound. Created by producer Robert George Meek, well-known for making experimental pop with space-age sounds. He went on to win the prestigious Iver Novello award in 1962.
  • Sarm Studios. Opened by producer Trevor Horn, Sarm went on to be used by Band Aid, the Pet Shop Boys, Stereophonics, and Radiohead. 
  • Olympic Sound Studios. An iconic studio on par with Abbey Road, Olympic Sound has played host to Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and Dusty Springfield.
  • Townhouse Studios. Created by Richard Branson in 1978, Townhouse has been used by The Jam, Coldplay, Jamiroquai, and Phil Collins. 

So, if you are looking for a recording studio for London, you are spoilt for choice. But rather than go for one of the expensive well-known studios, why not opt for something more affordable? That’s where Ten87 Studios comes in, and you will surely find a studio space that suits you.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Music Production Studio?

What is a music production studio? And how much does it cost to build one? Here, we will answer both of these questions and then pay our respects to some of the best music studios in the world.

What is a music production studio?

A music production studio is any space where you can record and mix music. This could be anything from a few pieces of equipment in a budget home studio to a fully-equipped professional studio. 

Typically, a professional music production studio will consist of:

  • A live room, where singers and musicians can perform their music. It is often treated with soundproofed walls, so the sounds don’t leak into other parts of the studio.
  • A control room. This will contain all the equipment to monitor and mix the audio, such as a mixing desk, speakers, and other audio processing equipment.

Depending on the particular studio, instruments may be available, or you might have to use your own.

How much does it cost to set up a music studio?

How much it will cost you to build your own studio depends on your requirements. If you are just looking to make some music on your own at home, the costs can be much lower than they used to be. 

Computers are much more powerful than in the past and cheaper. So if you are making electronic music on your own, you might only need a good computer with some music software, a MIDI keyboard, some speakers, and some sound treatment for the room. But if you want to record a live band with vocals, you will need more space, instruments, and some decent microphones.

So, depending on your needs, you are looking at anything between £500 and £20,000.

However, the costs can be significantly higher if you are looking to build a professional recording studio. Here are some of the additional costs that you might need to pay:

  • Designing and building the studio space – £12,000 to £18,000.
  • Mixing console – £18,000 to £85,000.
  • Audio processing equipment – £35,000.
  • Speakers – £2,500.
  • Microphones – £1,300 each.
  • Recording booths – up to £3,400.

There could be other costs, too, such as additional equipment and the general maintenance of the studio. So, for a professional music production studio, you could be looking at anything from £70,000 to £150,000 or more.

Famous music production studios

We couldn’t write an article about music production studios without paying our respects to some of the most famous studios in the world:

  • Abbey Road Studios, London, UK. Yes, the one where the Beatles recorded Abbey Road. Other well-known albums recorded there include Duran Duran’s debut album, Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon, Lady Gaga’s Born This Way, and The Bends and OK Computer by Radiohead.
  • The Dungeon, Atlanta, USA. Famous for the Dungeon Family, a hip-hop collective that grew out of it. Artists who have recorded there include Outkast, Gnarls Barkley, Bubba Sparxxx, Cee-Lo Green, Janelle Monae, and Future.
  • Muscle Shoals Sound Studio, Alabama, USA. Famous bands and artists to record here include Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Rolling Stones, Paul Simon, Bob Seger, and the Black Keys.
  • Trident Studios, London, UK. Hidden away down an alley in the fancy Soho area of London, Trident has seen the likes of Queen, David Bowie, the Rolling Stones, Lou Reed, and James Taylor.
  • Sunset Sound Recorders, Hollywood, USA. Initially created for recording Disney music, it went on to welcome Led Zeppelin, the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, the Doors, Jet, and Macy Gray. 

If you are looking for a music production studio in North London, take a look at Ten87 Studios. With both day hire and long-term hire studio spaces available, we are at the heart of the modern London music scene.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

Is There a Music Studio for Rent Near Me?

“Is there a music studio for rent near me?” This is the question that has brought you here. The big question is, where are you? If you are in London, particularly North London, you are in luck, as we definitely have some music studios near you for rent. 

Long-term or day hire?

How long do you need to hire a studio for? Do you only need it for the day? Or are you looking for a studio space you can settle into for months so you can work on an important musical project? Whichever it is you are looking for, Ten87 Studios has both. 

Day hire

If you only need something short-term, perhaps to rehearse or work through some new ideas, the day hire studio could be just what you are looking for. A high-end tracking facility now stands on what used to be a legendary underground venue. The live room has superb acoustics, high ceilings, multiple instruments, and enough space to fit a 10-piece ensemble. 

Then there is the control room containing an SSL6032E with 232 (Pulteg) EQ, flying faders, and total recall. Combine this with the Genelec custom monitoring and outboard and backline gear, and you have one of the best audio production systems available. 

Long-term hire

Ten87 has three long-term studio locations, each containing multiple studio spaces you can hire for anything from three months up to two years.

High Cross

If long-term hire is what you are after, you are sure to find what you are looking for at High Cross. It is not just one studio but ten and has a superb acoustic design. Set back from the busy Markfield Road, it had plenty of natural light. Some of Britain’s best sound engineers and electronic musicians spend their time here as part of its tight-knit music community. The reverb times are perfect, with customised panelling, and you can even increase the isolation with sliding doors. And if you are a large organisation or a touring band, backing storage options are also available. 

Markfield Road

If you thought our High Cross location was impressive with its ten studios, check out Markfield Road. It has 31 long-term let studio spaces of different specifications and sizes and even has its own restaurant, bar, cafe, and event space. There is a rumour that it has the best food and coffee in the area. This is ideal because even musical geniuses need to refuel. 

Many creators have visited the Markfield Road studios as part of their musical journeys. Is that due to the fabulous refreshments? Or is it the wide range of studio spaces available? We will let you be the judge of that. 

Gaunson House

This is where it all began. But that doesn’t mean Gaunson House is outdated and irrelevant, as it was refurbished in 2020. Set within a warehouse shared with other people in the music business, it is the ideal place to progress your music journey and find collaborators. 

So, there you go. You came here after searching for “is there a music studio for rent near me?” If you are in the Tottenham area of North London, it turns out there is. And not just one, but multiple studios. So, whether you are looking for day hire or long-term hire, Ten87 Studios has a music studio for you.

At Ten87 Studios we offer long term studio hire and day hire music studios. Each recording studio is acoustically treated and sound proofed to optimise any type of audio recording and music production. We are home to a large community of musicians, producers, engineers and audio professionals working in the music industry. Our main day hire studio is a world class tracking facility equipped with the best in recording studio gear, instruments, outboard and backline. We’re based in Seven Sisters, Tottenham with easy transport links to the city centre – ideal for anyone looking for a London recording studio.

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