There are lots of ways that you can receive financial support in a post-covid world, we’ve brought together various resources available specifically to support musicians and small businesses.
The Youth Music NextGen Fund offers young creatives grants of up to £2,500 to make their ideas happen. We’ve launched the NextGen Fund to help emerging musicians and behind the scenes creatives take a step forward in participating and changing the music industries. Applications for Round 6 deadline May 2023. Learn more about the NextGen Fund.
If you are a member, the RSM accepts applications for financial assistance. Find out more HERE.
Helpline for anyone in the music industry suffering from alcoholism, addiction, emotional or mental health issues. Find out more HERE.
ISM members can access 24 hour support helpline and offers face-to-face counselling. They offer funding via direct contact. Find out more HERE.
>MMF offers information and support for music managers as well as a network for managers to share experiences and queries. Check out their free guides to mental health and burnout HERE and purchase a copy of their handbook ‘Essentials of Music Management’. MMF also offer training for managers and host events. Listings available HERE.